
Dr.C.P.Lakshmi Prasuna,M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.
Principal's Messege.
Knowledge is vast. Time is short .Obstacles are many, There fore the present day teacher has to give maximum information in a minimum time frame. This is possible as and when a paradigm shift is made in our teaching methods by adopting the latest knowledge dissemination, rapidly and vastly is viewed as a parameter of quality and excellence in the higher education. Higher education is facing new challenges today. In view of the changed social needs and global reach of our students. high quality, top standards are to be maintained in academic activities . New practices are to be designed and implemented so as to prepare the students for these challenges. As the whole educational system revolves round the teacher, his personality should possess magnetic power to attract the students . His gentle and sweet behaviour should win the hearts of the students. A teacher can reconstruct the society, therefore leadership and management role should be assigned to teachers by the institutions that inturn can create quality conscious and quality culture in the Society .

